A l'aide de coupes régionales synthétiques des sédiments maastrichtiens et daniens, il est montré que la limite K/T se situe en Europe nord-occidentale, à l'exception du Danemark, au sein d'une lacune de deux Ma comprise entre une surface d'érosion continentale entaillée dans les sédiments d'âge maastrichtien et/ou campanien supérieur et la transgression montienne correspondant au haut niveau eustatique TA1.2 de Haq et al .
The recent discovery of fossils in autochthonous and reworked alterites indicates that Cretaceous sedimentation in northwest Europe continued until the end of the Maastrichtian. Following the end-Maastrichtian regression, marked by a period of karstification, northwest Europe was affected by two successive transgressions at different scales. The first, ut the beginning of the Danian I), was restricted to a narrow trough along the axis of the North Sea extending southeast into Denmark and probably southward along a gulf between Maastricht and the Vertus-Mont Aimé region. The second transgression, during the Middle Danian (Danian II = Montian), seems to correspond to the eustatic high TA1.2 of Haq et al (1987) and covered the whole of northwest Europe. The K-T boundary in this area (apart from Denmark where sedimentation seems to have been continuous) falls within a hiatus of about 2 Ma marked by a continental erosion surface cutting into the Maastrichtian and/or Campanian sediments prior to the Danian II transgression.
Dernière mise à jour le 04.08.2015