La revue

Revue n° 1
P. Rolin, M. Colchen
Hercynian strike-slip faults in Vendée and the western Massif Central
M. Cuney, M. Brouand, J.M. Stussi
Hercynian magmatism in Vendée. Correlations with the Poitou basement western French Massif Central
M. Cuney, M. Brouand, J.M. Stussi, D. Virlogeux
The Charroux-Civray plutonic complex (Vienne): evidence of Lower Carboniferous magmatism in the western part of the European Variscan belt
J.M. Bertrand, J. Leterrier, M. Cuney, M. Brouand, J.M.Stussi, E. Delaperrière, D. Virlogeux
Zircon U-Pb geochronology of granitoids from Confolentais, the Charroux-Civray massif (seuil du Poitou) and Vendée

Revue n° 1
J.B. Edel
Hypothesis for the Late Variscan clockwise rotation of the Maures-Estérel-Corsica-Sardinia block. New paleomagnetic data from the Plan-de-la-Tour basin (Maures, Provence) and review of the previous data
R. Caby, C. Jacob
Mantle/crust transition in the Santa-Lucia-di-Mercurio nappe (Alpine Corsica): the roots of a Permian rift
B. Courtinat
Sedimentary organic matter in nearshore deposits. Example from the Ladinian hypersaline delta plain in the eastern margin of the Massif Central (France)
M. Meyer, C. Meister, R. Wernli
Stratigraphy of the Champfromier Lias (Ain)
P.Y. Collin, P. Courville
Paleoenvironments and biostratigraphy of a non-condensed Oxfordian reference succession (Saint-Blin-Sémilly, Haute-Marne)
N. Gourdon-Platel, J.P. Platel, J.G. Astruc
The Rouffignac Formation, evidence of an Eocene weathered profile with duricrust in the Périgord-Quercy region (SW France)

Revue n° 2
P. Thiry-Bastien, J. Thierry, P. Debourse, J.P. Vidier
Geometry and deposit profiles of the Ardennes platform during Late Bathonian-Early Callovian: stratigraphic constraints during the drowning of a carbonate shelf
H. Gauthier, M. Trévisan, J.L. Joron
The species Odontolkites longidens (Quenstedt) in Buckman (= longidoides n. sp.) and the genus Odontolkites Buckman (Garantianinae, Stephanoceratidae, Stephanocerataceae, Ammonoidea)
Jean-Pierre GÉLY, Kàroly SZTRÀKOS
Paleogeographic and geodynamic evolution of the Aquitaine Basin during the Paleogene:
M.C. Gerbe, H. Gonord, E. Bilal
Discovery of a Neogene paleosol within the Montclaret-Fontvial volcanic complex of the Forez Mountains: inferences
O. Maridet, D. Berthet, P. Mein
A new Middle Miocene polyphased karstic locality at Four (Isère): studies of Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) and description of Democricetodon fourensis nov. sp.
J.P. Larue, R. Etienne
The Lozere sands in the Paris Basin: new interpretations

Revue n° 3
C. Montenat, P. Barrier, L. Garnier
Miocene sedimentation to the north of the Ventoux-Lure range (southern subalpine belts)
O. Laurent, J.F. Stephan, M. Popoff
Miocene structural development od the southern branch of the castellanefold-thrust belt (southern subalpine belys)
P. Guennoc, C. Gorini, A. Mauffret
Geological history of the Gulf of Lions: mapping the Oligocene-Aquitanian rift and Messinian surface
O. Dugué, N. Poupinet, S. Baize, J.P. Auffret, J.P. Coutard, J.C. Ozouf, M. Clet-Pellerin
Pliocene to Early Pleistocene stratigraphy of Normandy: marine and fluviatile series of the Seuil du Cotentin basins

Revue n° 4
R. Enay
An unpublished Early Kimmeridgian ammonite fauna near Molinges (Jura Dept.) and the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary in the western part of the Southern Jura Mountains
J. Schnyder, F. Baudin, J.F. Deconinck, C. Durlet, R. Jan du Chene, B. Lathuilière
Stratigraphic and sedimentologic analyses through the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary in the Boulonnais area (Northern France)
F. Amedro, F. Robaszynski
Upper Turonian to Santonian flint-bearing chalk of the Boulonnais (France) in terms of event-stratigraphy: comparison with Kent (U.K.)
Synthèse sur les formations superficielles cénozoïques de Basse-Normandie (feuille Caen à 1/250 000)
J.P. Lautridou, J.P. Auffret, J.P. Coutard, M. Lavollé, J.C. Ozouf, J. Verague
Overview of the Cenozoic surficial formations of Lower Normandy (1:250,000-scale Caen sheet)

Revue n° 1
D. Thiéblemont, E. Egal, C. Guerrot, J. Chantraine
Geochemical evidence for an “eocadomian” (665-655 Ma) subduction in North Brittany
A. Genna, P.J. Debriette
Juvenile deformation of the Alès coalfield (geological significance)
C. Montenat, H. Leyrit, P.Y. Gillot, M.C. Janin, P. Barrier .
Extension of Oligocene volcanics in the Castellane Arc (Haute-Provence, Subalpine domain)
E. Buffetaut, A. Brignon
A nodosaurid tooth (Dinosauria, Ankylosauria) from the Cenomanian of Touraine (west-central France)

Revue n° 1
Marc Calvet, Jean-Pierre Aguilar, Jean-Yves Crochet, Michel Dubar, Jacques Michaux
New Oligocene and Burdigalian mammals from the Paziols, Tautavel, Estagel basins (Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales departments) Geodynamic implications