La revue

Revue n° 2
F.M. Elter, M. Faure, C. Ghezzo, B. Corsi
Late Hercynian shear zones in northeastern Sardinia (Italy)
J. Broutin, J.J. Chateauneuf, J. Galtier, A. Ronchi
The Autunian of Autun: Will it remain a reference for the Early Permian continental deposits in Europe?
F. Amédro, F. Robaszynski
The Cenomanian chalk of the Boulonnais. Comparison with the Aube (France) and Kent (United Kingdom)
J.P. Larue
Morphodynamic evolution of the lower Allier Valley, from Varennes-sur-Allier to the Bec d’Allier (southern Paris Basin, France)
P. Savaton
Evolution in the geological maps of France since the beginning of the XIX Century

Revue n° 3
G. Pierre
Ferruginized sands of the Rocroi plateau: a contribution to the study of Tertiary morphogenesis in the southem Ardennes
J.P. Larue
The “augite river” in the Paris Basin: new interpretations
C. Cavagnetto, N. Guerrero
Pollens and dinoflagellates of the Early Paleogene turbidites at Béarn. Comparison with the platform assemblages of the Pyrenean foothills
E. Padoa
The Inzecca Massif ophiolites (Alpine Corsica): lithostratigraphy, geological structure and geodynamic evolution
P. Rolin, J.M. Stussi, M. Colchen, M. Cuney
Hercynian post-collisional deformation and magmatism in the Confolens area (West French Massif Central)
J.S. Morabito
The Sainte-Sabine evaporite basin (Dordogne): typical example of a continental Playa

Revue n° 4
J. Le Gall
Variscan tholeiitik dolerite and basalt from the northeastern Armorican Massif (France)
D. Lahondère, P. Rossi, J.C. Lahondère
Alpine tectonometamorphic overprint on an external continental margin: the example of the Tenda Massif of northern Corsica (France). Constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Corsican-Apennine geotraverse
R. Ciszak, B. Peybernès, J. Thierry, P. Fauré
Sequence stratigraphy synthesis of the Dogger-Early Malm 45 series in the Grands Causses area
H. Gauthier, M. Rioult
Comparison of the type-specimens of species densicosta Quenstedt and tetragona Wetzel (Ammonoidea, Stephanoceratidae, Garantianinae). Consequences for the biostratigraphical indexes of the West-European and Mediterranean Upper Bajocian
J. Gaudant
Presence of the genus Lates Cuvier and Valenciennes (Teleostean fish, Percoidei) in the Moulas sandstone, near Le Boulou (Pyrénées-Orientales Dept.)
R. Platevoet, J.L. Schneider, C. Lefèvre, P. Nehlig
Are the pyroclastic formations of the Cantal stratovolcano (France) related to the collapse of a caldera? Constraints from the study of volcanic dynamics

Revue n° 1
B. Courtinat, F. Malartre, F. Giraud
The Rhaetian near Lyons (France): a palynological study
P.E. Pellenard, P. Thiry-Bastien, J. Thierry, B. Vincent
Sedimentological approach to the Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathonian of northwestern Burgundy (Southeast Paris Basin): sedimentary dynamics and palaeogeographical reconstruction of part of a Peritethyan carbonate shelf
J.P. Larue, R. Etienne
The Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary detrital deposits between the Massif Central and the Sologne (France). New interpretations
M. Dubar, J.P. Aguilar, J. Chaline, J. Michaux, F. Semah
Chronological data (mammalian faunas, paleo-magnetism) on the Plio-Pleistocene deposits from the top of the Valensole Basin: morphodynamic implications
N. Bardet, X. Pereda-Suberbiola, E. Metais
A varanoid lizard (Squamata, Mosasauroidea) from the Upper Cretaceous of Touraine

Revue n° 2
J.J. Alvaro, P. Courjault-Radé, J.J. Chauvel, M.P. Dabard, F. Debrenne, R. Feist, G.L. Pillola, E. Vennin, D. Vizcaïno
New Cambrian stratigraphic framework of the Pardailhan and Minervois nappes (southern Montagne Noire)
K. Petrini, J.P. Burg
Relationship between deformation, plutonism and regional metamorphism in the Markstein area (southern Vosges)
M. Donzeau, R. Wernli, J. Charollais
A new interpretation of the geometry of the Vuache Fault in the Southern Jura: the Léaz-Champfromier left-lateral transpressive fault-transfer zone (Ain Dept.)
M.C. Gerbe, H. Gonord, N. Arnaud
Miocene age of marginal deposits of the Forez basin (Massif Central)
S. Debrand-Passard, J.J. Macaire, L. Clozier, R. Fleury
Particular evolution of the Sologne fluviatile system within the Loire basin during the Quaternary. Possible correlations

Revue n° 3
M. Munschy, C. Antoine, G. Guille, H. Guillou
Oceanic trust and hot spots in French Polynesia (Central Pacifie Ocean)
A. Bonneville, L. Sichoix
French Polynesia: synthesis and analysis of the ocean floor topography
H. Guillou, S. Biais, G. Guille, R.C. Maury, A. Le Dez, J. Cotten
Age (K-Ar) and duration of the subaerial build-up of Moorea, Raiatea and Maupiti (Society Islands, French Polynesia)