La revue


Revue n° 2

Jean-Paul Deroin, André E. Prost
Late-Variscan deformation of the Villefort batholith (Mont Lozere and Massif de la Borne). Its links with the Permian deposits of Le Pont-de-Montvert (Cevennes, South-Eastern Massif central)
Jean Delfaud, Nadège Toutin-Morin
The Rocher de Roquebrune (Var) as an example of a Late Permian alluvial fan on the edge of an intramountain basin
Marc Durand
A Permian example of meandering-stream deposits: the Saint-Mandrier Formation (Toulon Basin, Var)
Sylvie Leroy, Bruno Cabanis
Permian Volcanism in the Toulon Basin: a northern occurence of Permian volcanism in the Western Mediterranean
Jacques Delfour, Emmanuel Delfour
ROCMIN: a code for the calculation and graphic representation of geochemical data of rocks and minerals on PC compatibles

Revue n° 3

Jean Mergoil, Pierre Boivin, avec la collaboration de Jean-Louis Blès, Jean-Marie Cantagrel et Michel Turland
The Velay: Volcanism and related deposits
Carte hors texte au 1/100 000 ; Accompanying map at 1:100,000 scale
The Velay

Revue n° 4

Jacques Bertaux, Jean-François Becq-Giraudon, Hervé Jacquemin
Anthracite basins of the Roanne area (Loire, French Massif central) markers of Late Visean deformation
Jeannine R. Geyssant, Jean-Pierre Vidier, Jean-Paul Herbin, Jean-Noël Proust, Jean-François Deconinck
Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Kimmeridgian/ Tithonian transition beds of the Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais): new palaeontological data (ammonites), sequential organization and organic matter content
Jean Gaudant
New investigations on the Oligo-Miocene fish-fauna from the Puy de Mur (Puy-de-Dôme, France)
Patrick Lebret, Michel Campy, Jean-Pierre Coutard, Jackie Foumiguet, Michel Isambert, Jean-Pierre Lautridou, Pierre Laville, Jean-Jacques Macaire, François Ménillet, Robert Meyer
Mapping of superficial deposits updating of the principles of 1 :50,000 scale maps
Paul Ambert, Henri Maluski
Volcanic deposits interbedded with Pliocene coastal sediments of Languedoc. 40Ar-39Ar dating of a subvolcanic sill at Agde. Consequences


Revue n° 1

Bruno Muratet et Claude Cavelier
Discontinuous sequential deposits in Oligocène molasses at the eastern edge of Aquitan basin, significance of marginal conglomerates (SW France)
Georges Busson, avec la collaboration de Marie-Madeleine Blanc-Valleron, Annie Cornée, Alain Curial, Gilles Dromart, Daniel Dumas, Robert Moretto, Jean-Marie Rouchy et Charlotte B. Schreiber
Paleogene salt basins of eastern France (Valence, Bresse and Haute-Alsace)

Revue n° 2

M. Gay, J.-L. Duthou. M. Chenevoy
Rb-Sr isotopic ages of the leucogranites from northern Vivarais (french Massif Central) and geodynarnic implications
B. Briand, J.-L. Bouchardon, D. Santallier, M. Piboule, H. Ouali, P. Capiez
Alkaline affinity of the metabasites in the gneissic series surrounding the Velay migmatitic domain
L. Chauris
Quartz syenites with thorium and rare earth elements in Northern Brittany
L. Chauris
REE and Thorium concentrations in biotitic segregations of the Ploumanac'h granite
F. Baudin
Preliminary study of organic matter content in the Kimmeridgian of Normandy

Revue n° 3

C. Lorenz, C. Mégnien, C. Weber
This article is only available in French
R. Millon, C. Lorenz
This article is only available in French
C. Lorenz, avec la collaboration de A. Brellah, J.-C. Baubron, F. Bergerat, D. Bureau, G. Farjanel, A.-M. Hottin, V. Leclerc, G. Lerouge, P. Mechier, P. Marteau, M. Turland
This article is only available in French
F. Orszag-Sperber, P. Freytet, M.-L. Lebreton
This article is only available in French
M.-C. Adloff, L. Courel, J. Doubinger, D. Giot, P. Lacombe, P. Marteau
This article is only available in French
Y. Gallet, P. Tuchoika
This article is only available in French
J. Lorenz, avec la collaboration de B. Beaudouin, P. Blanc, C. Castaing, M.-D. Courme, M.-F. Delavenna, F. Dépèche, B. Gauthier, J.-P. Gely, T. Holtzapffel, V. Leclerc, A. Lefavrais, G. Lerouge, D. Marchand, P. Martin, F. Melières, R. Millon, M. Pinault,
This article is only available in French
