La revue


Revue n° 4

J. Dubreuilh, J.P. Capdeville, G. Farjanel, G. Karnay, J.P. Platel, R. Simon-Coinçon
The Aquitaine Basin as an example of Neogene to Quaternary continental infilling
P. Freytet, F. Baltzer, Y. Dewolf, A. Freytet, J.C. Koeniguer, J.C. Plaziat, A. Plet, M. Rumelhart
Occurrence of silicified freshwater (Stampian, Oligocene) molluscs and root traces in the uppermost part of the Fontainebleau Sandstones near Magny-les-Hameaux (Yvelines); paleoecological implications and consequences concerning the age of silicifications
M. Ambert, P. Ambert
Neogene and Quaternary evolution of plateau karstification and valley formation in the southern Grands Causses


Revue n° 1

D. Rabu, J.J. Chauvel avec la collaboration de C. Alsac, M.-P. Dabard, T.P. Fletcher, C. Guerrot, G.-L. Pillola, M. Tegyey, D. Thiéblemont
End Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks of the Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon archipelago
Y. Dewolf, P. Freytet, A. Plet avec la collabo ration de A. Couradin, F. Sylvestre
Pre-Quaternary age for silicification in the Fontainebleau Sands (Stampian) of the Trin Hill (Seine-et-Marne, Paris basin
F. Llac, F. Lethiers, H. Lardeux
Discovery of devonian fossils in the Lower Paleozoic attributed serie of the French Eastern Pyrenees (Aspres massif)

Revue n° 2

J.P. Mercury, B. Bonin, J.-M. Bardintzeff, B. Platevoet
The Monte Cinto cauldron: a detailed section of the Permo-Triassic volcanic deposits within the Upper Asco valley (Corsica)
G. Delpont, J.-F. Desprats, F. Girault
Middle infrared wavelength (1.55-1.75 µm) contribution to geological mapping below soil cover: the Elven area, Brittany
G.S. Odin, P. Odin
First description of a section in the Aturian locality at Tercis (Landes): the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary
F. Joly
Geomorphological map of France (1:1 000 000 scale) Inventaire international des thèses et diplômes concernant la Géologie de la France et des régions voisines
G. Sustrac, M. Kluyver, C. Cavelier
The late-Precambrian geodynamic evolution of the Armorican segment of the Cadomian belt (France): Distortion of an active continental margin during south-west directed convergence and subduction of a bathymetric high

Revue n° 3

M. Robardet, J. Verniers, R. Feist, F. Paris
The pre-Variscan Palaeozoic successions in France, palaeogeographic and geodynamic setting
J.P. Burg, J. Van den Driessche, J.P. Brun
Syn-to post-thickening extension in the Variscan Beit of Western Europe: Modes and structural consequences
M. Couturier, P. Monchoux, D. Santallier
The La Bessenoits metaperidotite (French Massif Central). Nature and geodynamic significance
M. Bilotte
Ammonite faunas and interpretation of the Sub-Pyrenean Campanian-Maastrichtian sedimentaty successions (Ariège, Haute-Garonne). Refutation of a Model based on hypothetical numerical ages

Revue n° 4

N. Noffke, E. Nitsch
Sedimentology of Lower Ordovician clastic shelf deposits, Montagne Noire (France)
M. Besson
Nine sections across the Aston massif
G. Godard, M. Chevalier, P. Bouton, B. Mouroux
An Ypresian paleo-river from Berry to Vendée (Western France). Paleogeographic and tectonic implications
G. Bignot
The Laversines Pisolitic Limestone" (Oise dept.): a Danian (para) stratotype
M. Turland, P. Marteau, J. Jouval, C. Monciardini
Discovery of an Early Oligocene marine interval in the Palaeogene lacustrine to fluviatile series of the Le Puy-en-Velay basin (Haute-Loire)


Revue n° 1

Jean-Paul Deroin, François Girault, Olivier Rouzeau et Jean-Yves Scanvic
Geological mapping in Velay: methodological aspects and resuits of the remote-sensing study
Jean-Marc Montel et Rabha Abdelghaffar
Major petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the late-migmatitic Velay granites (Massif Central)
Régine Simon-Coinçon
Effect of Mio-Pliocene palaeodrainage and tectonic activity on the present river system in the southwestern Massif Central
Georges Gand
Vertebrate footprints in the Permian St-Affrique basin (Aveyron Dept.): comparisons and stratigraphic results
Pierre-Alain Baloge et Romain Brosse
New stratigraphical and paleogeographical data on Lowermost Liassic from Southwest of the Paris Basin; evidence of an Hettangian Paleogulf in Anjou
Josette Tourenq et Jean-Pierre Pupin
Age and Paleogeography of Cenozoic sediments in the French Central Massif given by zircon typology
Michel Turland, Philippe Larqué, Jean Sudre, Monique Vianey-Liaud et Francis Weber
Palaeontological confirmation of a lateral passage between the Ronzon Limestones and the La Laussonne Sands during the early Stampian (Sannoisian) of the Puy-en-Velay basin (Massif Central)

Revue n° 2

Nadège Toutin-Morin, Didier Bonijoly, Christian Brocard, Gérard Dardeau, Michel Dubar
The sedimentary record of Post-Hercynian Evolution along the Edge of the Maures and the Tanneron Massifs from the Late Carboniferous to the Present
