La revue

Revue n° 3
0. Dauteuil, S. Blais, D. Miau, G. Guille, R.C. Maury
Contribution and limitations of SPOT imagery and digital eleva tion models in studying oceanic volcanism: examples of Raiatea and Tahaa (Society Islands), French Polynesia
A. Le Dez, R.C. Maury, H. Guillou, J. Cotten, S. Biais, G. Guille
Moorea (Society Islands): rapid build-up of a Polynesian shield volcano
G. Guille, H. Guillou, C. Chauvel, R.C. Maury, S. Blais, FI. Brousse
Rurutu (Austral Islands, French Polynesia): a complex build-up linked to the activity of two hot spots
D.C. Buigues
The carbonate caver of an atoll: example of Mururoa and Fanga taufa

Revue n° 4
M. Demange
Contribution to the problem of dome formation in the axial zone of the Montagne Noire: Geometric analysis of superposed folds in the metasedimentary outer cover. Implications for geodynamic models
K. Sztràkos, J.P. Gély, A. Blondeau, C. Müller
Eocene of the South Aquitaine Basin: lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy

Revue n° 1
R. Hébert, E. Le Goff, M. Ballèvre
Metamorphic evolution of the Saint-Brieuc and Guingamp domains (Armorican Massif): geodynamic constraints for the Cadomian orogeny
M. Augé, S. Duffaud, F. de Lapparent de Broin, J.C. Rage, D. Vasse
Amphibians and reptiles from Prémontré (Cuisian, Paris basin, France): a reference herpetofauna for the Early Eocene
J.Y. Crochet, J.L. Hartenberger, J.A. Rémy, J. Sudre, J.L. Welcomme
Discovery of terrestrial vertebrates in the Middle and Late Eocene of the Matelles Basin (Hérault, Southern France) and rediscovery of the Lophiodon des Matelles
M. Thiry, M. Bertrand-Audebert, J.C. Grisoni, F. Ménillet, J.M. Schmitt
Comments on the paper: Occurrence of silicified fresh-water (Stampian, Oligocene) molluscs and root traces in the uppermost part of the Fontainebleau Sandstones near Magny-les-Hameaux (Yvelines); paleoecological impli-cations and consequences concerning t

Revue n° 2
J. Delfour, C. Guerrot
An Early Visean age for the Picampoix microgranite (Nièvre). Contribution to the study of Carboniferous magmatic activity in the Morvan
L. Rulleau
New Early Toarcian data from the Lyons region. Comparison with neighbouring areas
J. Rey, F. Duranthon, P. Gardère, Y. Gourinard, J. Magné, H. Feinberg, B. Muratet
Discovety of an incised valley between two depositional units of Miocene marine sands, Central Aquitaine (SOS area)
J.P. Larue
Neotectonic deformations recorded by alluvial deposits of the Allier river between the Brioude basin and Lembronnais (Massif Centrai): state of the art
A. Marre, M. Laurain, P. Guérémy
Spatial and temporal relationships between slope deposits and mass movements in Ile-de-France (Champagne): an approach for compiling hazard maps
G. Lablanche, A. Lefavrais-Raymond, J.H. Delance
Domerian and basal Toarcian deposits notfh of the Saint-Saulge horst (Nièvre)

Revue n° 3
D. Lahondère, C. Guerrot
Sm-Nd dating of Alpine eclogitic metamorphism in Corsica: evidence for Late Cretaceous subduction beneath the Corsican-Sardinian block
M. Durand-Delga, R. Montigny, P. Rossi
Namurian age of the Termes lamprophyre (Mouthoumet Massif, Aude): its place in the Variscan of the Pyrenees
G. Bignot, F. Quesnel, C. Bourdillon
The end Cretaceous and basal Paleocene in northwest Europe
J. Gaudant
A new species of the genus Palaeocarassius Obrhelová in the lacustrine Upper Miocene of Alissas (Ardèche) (France)
M. Garcin et al
The Marchésieux Pliocene "Long Sequence" (Manche). Analytical results and first elements of the interpretation

Revue n° 4
C. Lezin, R. Cubaynes, P. Fauré, T. Pélissié, J. Rey
The Upper Toarcian-Aalenian in the Villefranche-de-Rouergue area (southwest France). Biostratigraphy and sedimentary evolution
F. Amédro, F.Robaszynski
The Aptian-Albian at Wissant and the Sangatte Channel-tunnel site (France): new data on the Early Cretaceous transgression in the North of the Paris Basin
K. Sztràkos, J.P. Gély, A. Blondeau, G. Müller
Paleocene and Ilerdian (p.p.) of the South Aquitaine Basin: lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy
M. Isambert, H. Bourennane, A. Couturier, D. King, M. Jamagne
Analysis of soil distribution according to slope orientation in the 'Vexin français' region, France
C. Cavelier, G. Friès, J.L. Lagarigue, J.P. Capdeville
Early Cenozoic prograding sedimentation in southern Aquitaine: a model

Revue n° 1
P. Moreau
Analysis of the Cenomanian transgression over the north-western border of the Aquitaine Basin
C. Gaillard, F. Atrops, D. Marchand, M. Hanzo, B. Lathuilière, Y. Bodeur, C. Ruget, J.-P. Nicollin, W. Werner
Preliminary stratigraphic description of the Middle Oxfordian limestone-marl alternations in the Dauphinois Basin. (Southeastern France)
J. Charollais, E. Davaud, M. Jamet
Evolution of the southeastern Jura-platform margin between the upper Jurassic and the Oligocene: new data from three oit wetts
P. Guardia, J.P. lvaldi, M. Dubar, Y. Guglielmi, J.L. Perez
Lineament palaeotectonism and active tectonism of the French-ltalian Maritime Alps: a synthesis.