La revue


Revue n° 1

Albert Gilg
Isotopic tools of dating paleoweathering in Europe
Piotr Migon
Paleoweathering record and paleosurfaces in the Bohemian Massif, Central Europe and Fennoscandian Shield, Northern Europe. A basis for East-West comparisons
Werner Löhnertz
Eocene paleovalleys in the Eifel: mapping geology, dating and implications for the reconstruction of the paleosurfaces and vertical movements of the lithosphere at the edges of the Rhenish shield
Herbert Lutz
The Eckfeld Maar (Vulkaneifel, Germany) - a key locality for the understanding of the Eocene paleoenvironment of the western Rhenish shield
Georg Büchel
Paleoweathering in the Hocheifel volcanic field
Peter Felix-Henningsen
The Mesozoic-Tertiary weathering mantle of the Rhenish Massif. Characteristics and genesis
Robert Wyns et al
Major weathering in France related to lithospheric deformation
Hervé Théveniaut
Paleomagnetism as an indirect dating tool of lateritic weathering profiles (saprolite, bauxite and ferricrete): theoretical bases, method, results in French Guiana, Africa and Europe
Jocelyn Barbarand
Apatite fission-track thermochronology in western Europe: search for weathered/eroded cover rocks on the Hercynian basement (method, results, limitations and perspectives)
Florence Quesnel
Paleoweathering and paleosurfaces from northern and eastern France to Belgium and Luxembourg: geometry, dating and geodynamic implications
Jacques Le Roux, Dominique Harmand
Origin of the hydrographic network in the Eastern Paris Basin and its border massifs. Hypothesis, structural, morphologic and hydrographic consequences
Wim Sissingh
Tertiary evolution of the Rhenish Triple Junction: stratigraphic correlation of Alpine foreland deformation and mountain building
Laurent Michon
Role of the Alpine belt in the Cenozoic lithospheric deformation of Europe: sedimentologic/stratigraphic/tectonic/synthesis
Helmut Bock, Adolphe Muller, Léon Voisin
The Arreux Limestone – the initial deposit of the Transgression of the Lower Lias in the Area of Sedan and Charleville-Mezières
Nicolas Brault, Eric Thomas, François Guillocheau
Paleotopographic reconstitutions of the Armorican Massif (France) across Tertiary and Quaternary
Frédéric Carrier, Bruno Tourliere, José Perrin, Robert Wyns
Cluster analysis of radiometric airborne images, geochemistry and digital elevation data to map the basic saprolite’s surface
Charles Cartannaz, Robert Wyns, Frédéric Lacquement, Jean-Christophe Audru, Florence Quesnel
Subsurface paleoweathering in basement rocks. Geomorphology and tectonic relationships. Cartographic application in the north western Massif Central (Creuse, France)
Stéphane Cordier, Dominique Harmand
The terrace system of the Moselle river between France, Germany and Luxembourg: first results for a global correlation
Thierry de Putter, Johan Yans
Weathering mechanisms in the Belgian Ardenne Massif
Frédéric Lacquement, Franck Hanot, Jean-Louis Mansy, David Rolin, Olivier Averbuch, Lazlo Csontos
Réactivation de structures varisques au Nord de la France
Day Excursion for 16 May 2003 (morning and afternoon). Excursion du 16 mai 2003
Day Excursion for 17 May 2003. Excursion du 17 mai 2003

Revue n° 2

C. Delor, D. Lahondère, E. Egal, J.M. Lafon, A. Cocherie, C. Guerrot, P. Rossi, C. Truffert, H. Théveniaut, D. Phillips, V.G. de Avelar
Transamazonian crustal growth and reworking as revealed by the 1:500,000-scale geological map of French Guiana (2nd edition)
H. Théveniaut, C. Delor
Paleomagnetism of the Guiana Shield: current knowledge and critical analysis of the data
V.G. de Avelar, J.M. Lafon, C. Delor, C. Guerrot, D. Lahondère
Archean crustal remnants in the easternmost part of the Guiana Shield: Pb-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronological evidence for Mesoarchean versus Neoarchean signatures
L.T. Rosa-Costa, P.S.F. Ricci, J.M. Lafon, M.L. Vasquez, J.M.A. Carvalho, E.L. Klein, E.M.B. Macambira
Geology and geochronology of Archean and Paleoproterozoic domains of southwestern Amapá and northwestern Pará, Brazil, southeastern Guiana shield
N.J. Reis, L.M. Fraga, M.S.G. de Faria, M.E. Almeida
Geology of Roraima State, Brazil
M.E. Almeida, A.L. Ferreira, S. da S. Pinheiro
Granitic association of the western state of Roraima, Parima domain, Guiana shield, Brazil
E.W.F. de Roever, S.B. Kroonenberg, C. Delor, D. Phillips
The Käyser dolerite, a Mesoproterozoic alkaline dyke suite from Suriname
E.W.F. de Roever, J.M. Lafon, C. Delor, A. Cocherie, P. Rossi, C. Guerrot, A. Potrel
The Bakhuis ultrahigh-temperature granulite belt (Suriname): petrological and geochronological evidence for a counterclockwise P-T path at 2.07-2.05 Ga
