La revue


Revue n° 2

C. Delor, E.W.F. de Roever, J.M. Lafon, D. Lahondère, P. Rossi, A. Cocherie, C. Guerrot, A. Potrel
The Bakhuis ultrahigh-temperature granulite belt: implications for late Transamazonian crustal stretching in a revised Guiana Shield framework
E.L. Klein, L.T. da Rosa-Costa
Geology of quartz-vein gold deposits in the Ipitinga Auriferous District, northern Brazil, southeastern Guiana Shield
L.V. de Melo, R.N. Villas, J.W. Soares, M.T.L. Faraco
Geological setting and mineralizing fluids of the Amapari gold deposit, Amapá state, Brazil
J.P. Milesi, C. Lerouge, C. Delor, P. Ledru, M. Billa, A. Cocherie, E. Egal, A.M. Fouillac, D. Lahondère, J.L. Lasserre, A. Marot, B. Martin-Jantin, P. Rossi, M. Tegyey, H. Théveniaut, D. Thiéblemont, O. Vanderhaeghe
Gold deposits (gold-bearing tourmalinites, gold-bearing conglomerates, and mesothermal lodes), markers of the geological evolution of French Guiana: geology, metallogeny, and stable-isotope constraints
M.A. Dardenne, C. Schobbenhaus
Metallogeny of the Guiana Shield


Revue n° 1

N. Arnaud, H. Leyrit, P. Nehlig, F. Binet, A. Jamet, W. Vannier
Lahars on the north-western flank of the Cantal stratovolcan
J.M. Montel, J. Bouloton, M. Veschambre, C. Pellier, K. Ceret
Stephanian ages of the Velay microgranites (French Massif Central)
J.P. Bellot, G. Bronner, J. Marchand, C. Laverne, C. Triboulet
Thrust and normal faulting in the Western Maures (Var, SE France): a geometric, kinematic and thermobarometric study of the Cavalaire polyphased shear zone
M. Mattauer
The Oligocene Matelles normal fault (Languedoc). A delicate confrontation between a fashionable model and field observations
J.M. Stussi, A. Cheilletz, J.J. Royer, P. Chèvremont, G. Féraud
The hidden monzogranite of Soultz-sous-Forêts (Rhine Graben, France). Mineralogy, petrology and genesis
F. Trautmann, J.F. Becq-Giraudon, P. Chèvremont, C. Guerrot, D. Thiéblemont
Dating the Pertre Massif at 378 Ma: a Middle to Late Devonian peraluminous leucogranite in Central Brittany
H. Gauthier, P. Branger, P.Y. Boursicot, M. Trévisan, D. Marchand
The Orthogarantiana Bentz (Garantianinae, Stephanoceratidae, Ammonitina) fauna of the Polygyralis sub-zone (Niortense zone, Late Bajocian) recently discovered north of Niort (Deux-Sèvres, France). Proof for the Orthogarantiana / Strenoceras dimorphism

Revue n° 2

G. Guille, C. Legendre, R.C. Maury, M. Caroff, M. Munschy, S. Blais, C. Chauvel, J. Cotten, H. Guillou
The Marquesas archipelago (French Polynesia): an atypical intraoceanic linear chain
F. Schindelé, D. Reymond, H. Hébert, P. Heinrich
Geophysical hazards in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
B. Déruelle, O. Figueroa A., J.L. Joron, M. Schilling D., C. Silva P., F. Hervé A., D. Demaiffe
Easter Island volcanism (Chile)
G. Guille
Chemical-analyses file for the Marquesas Islands

Revue n° 3

B. Courtinat, S. Piriou
Rhaetian palynomorphs in the Lodève Basin: stratigraphy and depositional environments
Y. Alméras, M. Bécaud
Transitional zones between paleobiogeographic provinces. Example of the Toarcian brachiopods from the southern border of the Armorican Massif (France)
C. Bonnot-Courtois, C. Augris, M. Blanchard, E. Houlgatte
Distribution of coastal sediments between cap Fréhel and Saint-Malo (Côtes d’Armor - Ille-et-Villaine Depts, France)
J.B. Edel, H. Lutz, P. Elsass
The Variscan basement and the Rhenish tectonism in the southern Upper Rhine graben; processing and interpretation of the gravity map derived from MDPA high-density measurements
Commentaires de P. Bernier à la note de R. ENAY et réponse de R. ENAY
An unpublished Early Kimmeridgian ammonite fauna near Molinges (Jura) and the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary in the western part of the Southern Jura Mountains, Géol. de la France, n° 4, 2000, p. 3-19

Revue n° 4

M. Schuler, G. Farjanel, F. Geissert, P. Rossi, M. Ferrandini, J. Ferrandini
Palynology, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Late Oligocene conglomeratic formation at Vazzio (Corsica)
J.P. Aguilar, J.Y. Crochet, O. Hebrard, P. Le Strat, J. Michaux, S. Pedra, B. Sigé
The micromammals of Mas Rambault 2, a Late Pliocene karstic filling of southern France: age, paleoclimate, geodynamics
G. Nicoud, G. Royer, J.C. Corbin, F. Lemeille, A. Paillet
Glacial erosion and infelling of the Isère valley during the recent Quaternary. New results from borehole GMB1 in the Grenoble area (France)
G. Fronteau, A. Pascal, V. Barbin
Characterization of Courville Stone (Lutetian, Marne, France). Relations between diagenesis and petrophysical properties


Revue n° 1

M. Faure
Geology of the Vendée - Forewords
P. Rolin, M. Colchen
Structural map of the Vendée-Seuil in the Poitou-Limousin Variscan basement
D. Thiéblemont, C. Guerrot, J. Le Métour, P. Jézéquel
The Cholet-Thouars complex: a Middle Cambrian volcano-plutonic unit within the Mauges Precambrian terrane
G. Godard
The Les Essarts eclogite-bearing metamorphic Complex (Vendée, Southern Armorican Massif): Pre-Variscan terrains in the Hercynian belt?
M. Colchen, P. Rolin
The Hercynian belt in Vendée
